One Week in India

Travel Prep
South Korea
New Zealand


Post Travel
The coins visiting one of the seven wonders of the world.

The bus to the Indian border had some problems.

In the buffer zone between India and Nepal we decided to take a swim with the locals.

Our first Rickshaw ride through the buffer zone to India.

Since we illegally left Nepal, we were refused entry to India.

Our second Rickshaw ride through the buffer zone to Nepal.

Are you SURE this is the Immigration Office?

Our third Rickshaw ride through the buffer zone to India.

This time they let us in.

Fast food Indian style. No beef but unhealthy nonetheless.

The gates to the Taj Mahal.

What do they mean "No photos beyond this point"?

Us on the steps of the Taj. No shoes allowed inside.

We were really there! We didn't paste in the background, honest.

Monkey, Age, Taj.

As usual we were a tourist attraction.

Storming the Jungle to reach the Taj.

Age doing her very last impersonation of the trip.

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