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The bus to the Indian border had some problems. |
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In the buffer zone between India and Nepal we decided to take a swim with the locals. |
Our first Rickshaw ride through the buffer zone to India. |
Since we illegally left Nepal, we were refused entry to India. |
Our second Rickshaw ride through the buffer zone to Nepal. |
Are you SURE this is the Immigration Office? |
Our third Rickshaw ride through the buffer zone to India. |
This time they let us in. |
Fast food Indian style. No beef but unhealthy nonetheless. |
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The gates to the Taj Mahal. |
What do they mean "No photos beyond this point"? |
Us on the steps of the Taj. No shoes allowed inside. |
We were really there! We didn't paste in the background, honest. |
As usual we were a tourist attraction. |
Storming the Jungle to reach the Taj. |
Age doing her very last impersonation of the trip.       |
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