
Travel Prep
South Korea

  Weihei & Penglai
  The Great Wall
  Xian to Chengdu

New Zealand
Post Travel
Adriane going postal at the Chinese postal workers!

Adriane joining the natives in a traditional feast.

Bird in the Temple of Heaven that speaks better Chinese then we do.
Jesse searching for the Heavenly Kitchen...
and finding the Heavenly Toilet

The classic Temple of Heaven shot: lots of people and not much to see.

Woohoo! Age dressing up for the Chinese Opera.
Jesse trying to stay awake at the Chinese Opera.

Chinese Dancers & McDonalds
Dominos delivers. (Do they garentee 30 minutes or less on Bike?)

Beijing by Bike (Note: The cameraman was also on bike. Impressive huh?)

The 50th Anniversary of the People's Republic of China

After dodging a few road blocks and arguing with a guard or two we managed to see some of the festivities that you were supposed to watch on TV.

Adriane REALLY glad to see someone other then Jesse.

The Lama Temple was closed when we got there
The Forbidden City was ....

Erica's Onion.

More hunting

Our best view of the 50th Anniversary Celebration.

Whats with that Westerner speaking Chinese?

Erica enjoying the computer just a little too much. What a nerd!

Sometimes I think we are more interesting than the tourist sites. The Chinese seem to agree.

Jesse trying to pose with a guard and Mao. The guard ran away.
Age and Mao.

Us almost in the Forbidden Palace.

Jesse interfering with Adriane's photography

Get me away from the funny looking Westerner!

Erica on a mission to kiss a guard. She fell head over heels for this one.
Oh No! Competition!

Adriane commandering the reporters photography equiptment.
More Mao.

Trying to leave Beijing.

Erica's caption for Andrew: Here is Erica's underwear. Where's Erica?
Jesse's caption for Adriane: Adriane should get some underwear advice from Erica.
Adriane's caption for Jesse: Bite Me!

MainPage Weihei & Penglai Beijing The Great Wall Xian to Chengdu Shanghai